vrijdag 28 november 2014

Torn clay

Today I posted a blogpost for Craftliners.
It's a little 'how to' for these earrings.
You can check it out here!

maandag 10 november 2014

Polymer clay stamped cuff.

I just added my latest post for the Craftliners blog.
This time it's a little tutorial to make this stamped cuff.

First I made a template.
On the thickest setting I prepared a sheet of white clay.

I colored the sheet with 3 colors alcohol ink and let it dry for a few minutes.
Then I stamped the sheet with different leave stamps.
The black ink is Versafine.

I let it dry for about an hour and then I covered the stamped sheet with a
layer of very very thin translucent clay.

I place the sheet on a jar that fits my wrist perfectly and placed the template.
I cut around the template with an exacto knife and place it in the oven.

After baking I sanded and buffed the cuff but I wasn't happy with the results.
So I varnished the piece 3 times with a heat setting varnish.

woensdag 5 november 2014

2 Tutorials featured in 'From Polymer to Art' new editions!

Today a special edition 'From Polymer to Art' is launched at the Kreadoe in Utrecht.
This special edition is written in Dutch and all projects are made with FIMO.
The edition is packed with easy to follow tutorials so even when you can't read Dutch you are able 
to follow the instructions.
On page 18 you will find my project 'Ombre'.
Have fun!

From Polymer to Art Triangles will be in stores by friday. 
Double the fun!

Another issue loaded with tutorials and great articles. 
On page 26 you will find the tutorial 'Connecting triangles' that shows you how to make this bracelet.

Online store and list of foreign distributors;

Happy Claydays!